What is your Marketing Recipe?
from Copyblogger
file under: Marketing Tools and Strategy
Some of my favorite recipes came from the packaging of the product. I buy Domino Confectioners Sugar every time I make buttercream frosting because the recipe is right there on the package.
It worked for Domino, and it can work for you. What are your prospects explicitly looking for the most? Can you provide it for free? If so, you have a top of the funnel piece of content that can draw prospects into your audience. That is the name of the game, building an audience.
Picture that old cardboard cutout from the back of the box of Domino sugar you use as a bookmark in one of your cookbooks. Ask yourself if you have anything you could use that is 'cookbook bookmark worthy.'
Sonia Simone (@Soniasimone) at Copyblogger presents this as "advertising too valuable to throw away."
Read more HERE:
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
p.s. When my wife read this, she said, " I'm calling bs. How often do you make buttercream frosting? Why not use chili as an example? you make that all the time." I told her that was the exact reason to go with buttercream frosting. I remember how to make chili. I don't need a recipe. I need the frosting recipe, so I always buy the Domino brand because it's always on the package.